We are a team dedicated to Japanese Anime and their Opening/Ending songs and videos. The Website started on February 2013 and we're slowly growing everyday, adding more and more songs to our collection, so feel free to browse around and remember to come back frequently ;)
The idea for this project started way back in 2012, when a group of anime lovers (just like you) shared their collection of anime Openings & Endings to one another. Later, they realized that, like them, there should be a lot of other anime fans out there looking for good quality anime openings or endings and so, Anime Avis was founded.
This website's name comes directly from what we have: Anime videos in Avi format, although some of our clips are in other formats, like mp4.
Contact info
If you have any suggestion on how to improve the website, ideas for anime shows you would like added to the list, want to offer your help or simply want to say hello, contact us at these addresses:
Even though most of the website is in English, we support the use of other languages beside it ;) . We are always encouraging users to send their openings and endings with lyrics in their language. On this note, part of the staff speaks Spanish as their mother tongue so expect some of the initial video clips to have Spanish lyrics as well :P
Nowadays, many websites and communities offer different characteristics to users who donate to them. Anime Avis currently does not accept donations, as we don't really require money aside from that little income we get from using Adfly services (which help us pay bandwith and whatnot).